Chapter 2:

I leaned back in my chair and contemplated what I had just been witness to. Ploog was making himself vulnerable and taunting the Bane to come and get him. I sent a squire to fetch the King so I would not be the only one to see this. I watched as Ploog paced the cemetery and scratched his pet bats. It was obvious that that was only the first battle in the war. He had to be aware that the Bane would never stop coming for him. They would chip away at his defenses with waves of shadowy single-minded warriors. They did and Ploog struck them down one by one. Even I started to worry about what might happen if he came for me with such determination. Ian patted my shoulder and assured me that as long as he wielded the Dragon-Stone Ring, the Lich would be kept at bay.


In the light of the scrying bowl, a figure that I had long since dismissed emerged from the shadow. The skillful, if overly arrogant, wizard whom had been captured by the Bane appeared. Even Ploog could feel the power coursing through his hands as he approached. He had changed so much since his seizure. His skin was stark white and his eyes seemed to smolder like a blacksmiths fire. Dressed in black enchanted robes and the inky presence of black magic, Ploog’s undead army was kept at bay.


It was quite a sight to behold as these two magical warriors met each other on the field of battle. For more than a half hour, Dominus was able to batter the Lich Lord with eldritch magic while absorbing the lightning with a bitter grin. Almost without warning, Ploog revealed that he was merely toying with the wizard and unleashed his true power down upon the unsuspecting wizard with a gleeful smile. As mentally unstable as he is, Ploog still knew how to press an advantage and crush any resistance. Like that, it was over. Dominus, the thorn in the side of all of Oberin, was gone.


Ian and I just stared at each other in disbelief. Could we have hoped for anything better? Was it true that Ploog had wiped the Bane off the face of our lands forever? If it was true, what was he truly capable of now? Our joy quickly turned to dread. What would happen next, would tax my skills to the bitter end and leave the world ripe for the taking.







